BLOG etc.

Facts etc.: Upcycling

Facts etc.: Upcycling

By Cat O'Dea

What is Upcycling?

In basic terms? Using what you have. Upcycling is the process of repurposing waste to create something new.

In our case, we aim to eliminate food waste by using juice pulp, a byproduct which is typically thrown away. In order to make our granola, we upcycle apple juice pulp collected from cider and juice pressers in England.

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Facts etc.: Best Before Dates

By Cat O'Dea

  1. The dates on food packaging can often be misleading and it means that a lot of the time, we get confused by what we can and cannot eat.

To clarify - Best Before Dates are not the same as Use By Dates.

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Recipe etc.: Rhubarb + Apple Galette

Recipe etc.: Rhubarb + Apple Galette

By Chloë Stewart

A galette is basically the hipster version of a tart.  It is imperfect to perfection, rustic to the point of being refreshingly contemporary.  And was the ultimate trend setter.  Until everybody caught on.  It also just so happens to be the easiest seasonally-adapting hack to entertaining.  Don’t have a tart tin?  Galette.  Don’t have perfectly just-ripe fruit or veg?  Galette.  Don’t have hours to prep?  Galette.  Don’t want to hear more reasons?  Galette. 

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Journal etc.: December, Celebration

Journal etc.: December, Celebration

By Chloë Stewart

December is a period of indulgence and huge expense.  Often getting caught in the trap of having the 'perfect' gifts, extravagant parties, new outfits and endless trays of food.  We can forget to make the most of what we already have.

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