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Welcome to the Upcycling Revolution

We're thrilled you've discovered us. 

We know you're not lazy and we know you care deeply about the environment. But we also know you have no time to be researching which farm the ingredients in your favourite snack come from and whether the 'compostable' mark on your packaging is legitimate or just another ploy to greenwash you. So we're doing all the work for you. The only decision you need to make is, which flavour?

If you need some inspiration before making your decision, check out our instagram for some breakfast and dessert recipe suggestions, and our blog for an array of delicious savoury breakfast suggestions.

Read on for answers to common questions about by-products, and some definitions to empower you to fight food waste from your kitchen table. 


Who are we?
We are a female-led startup based in Central London, who are passionate about food and emotional about food waste. Food waste is totally nuts.. we're changing daily rituals, nibble by nibble.

How many granolas flavours do we have?
We currently have 3: Oat, Almond & Honey Granola, Rye, Cobnut & Cacao Granola, and Barley, Spelt & Walnut savoury Granola.

Are your granolas sugar-free? 
Using apple pulp substitutes the need for added sugars and sweeteners. We only use naturally-occurring sugars, and no refined sugars. Our granolas are not 'low sugar' but they taste perfectly 'not too sweet' according to all of our customers.

Where do our by-products come from?
We source them directly from producers here in the UK [it's a waste of air-miles to ship byproducts in, and defeats our local circular economy mission]. Our apple juice pulp comes from cider and juice pressers in Kent.

Are by-products safe to eat?
Yes, because by-products are simply ingredients that have come out 'the wrong end' of a juicer/manufacturing line, within a food-safe processing environment. Furthermore our supplier and manufacture are SALSA certified, meaning they are able to produce and supply safe and legal food, and are committed to continually meeting the requirements of the SALSA standard. We have also invested in our own reusable containers and traceability processes which allows us to track everything from apple varieties collected to where and when the containers have been cleaned.

Why by-products?
1/ Nutrients: they are typically naturally high in nutrients from fibre to protein and naturally low in sugar. There is concern we will not have enough food to feed us in 2050. The reality is we have a lot, we're just not using and distributing it to the best of our ability.
2/ Climate change: food waste - including waste in food manufacturing - accounts for 8% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Eliminating waste in food supply chains is one of the most impactful things we can do.
3/ Circular economy: making sure all products and services are being used to their highest value. For example, it takes a lot of water to grow an apple. If we throw away 1/3 of the apple (pulp) to make juice, then we have thrown away 1/3 of the water used to grow it. 


Upcycling = taking something typically destined for end-of-life [ex. landfill, incineration, animal-feed], adding other things [ingredients, materials] to it to create something new, typically of higher value. It is the age-old philosophy of seeing the value in and making the most out, of what you already have. Upcycling is a metaphor for life. read more here

By-product = a 'secondary' product that is created as a result of producing the 'primary' product. 

Apple Juice Pulp = what is leftover when you press apples for apple juice, including everything from the core to the seeds, skin and flesh.

Home Compostable = certifiably degrades in a natural environment, within a certain time frame. Time to degrade: 90-180 days. Dispose of: food waste or compost bin, or regular waste bin.

Get in touch:

More questions about our ingredients, our packaging, or upcycling leftovers? Our inboxes are always open. And always remember to #ThinkBeforeYouToss

 nibs etc. deliciously upcycled granolas

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