BLOG etc.

Recipe etc:. Kitchen-Sink Easter Nests

Recipe etc:. Kitchen-Sink Easter Nests

By Chloë Stewart

I love traditions.  And right now, I don't know about you, but I could do with a tradition or two; to ground me, keep me going, feel close to the people that I can't be close to. Every Easter, I generally insist upon the following: 1 Easter egg hunt, 1 batch of chocolate Mini Egg nests, 1 egg dying session. [for brunch egg-cracking]. Given all that's going on, one will suffice.

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Collections etc:. Top 7 Sustainable Chocolates for Easter

Collections etc:. Top 7 Sustainable Chocolates for Easter

By Chloë Stewart

Easter is going to be a little different this year.  Not the usual, family gathering, chocolate-filled, day of excitement it often is.  But that doesn't mean we can't keep spirits up with adapted traditions, support local businesses or surprise someone with a chocolate treat.  In fact sometimes, nothing says it better.  So here's our list of [mostly] UK based Chocolate companies to add a touch of sweetness to your day, or someone else's. 

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BWL etc.: Calm Cocoa

BWL etc.: Calm Cocoa

By Chloë Stewart

Meredith is a qualified Meditation teacher, and holds regular Chocolate Meditations.  And only this month, launched the incredible hot chocolate brand that is Calm Cocoa.  Encouraging us all to take our Calm Cocoa moment.  And when it comes in the form of hand-grated, British-made dark chocolate, recycled glass jars [or home-compostable bags], it is what we want to be drinking this, and every winter.

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