BLOG etc.

Journal etc.: February, Love Language

Journal etc.: February, Love Language

By Chloë Stewart

Food.  Food is our undying love language.  And if you're here, we're assuming it might be yours too.  Fortunately for us all, there's quite a lot to eat - we mean celebrate - in this next week alone.  Here for you with some sustainable tips and upcycling hacks this Chinese New Year/Valentine's/Pancake Day/Second Week of February.

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Journal etc:. June, Exploring

Journal etc:. June, Exploring

By Chloë Stewart

I wonder whether we'll learn to appreciate what our own surrounding countryside has to offer.  Do you reckon you'll take more time to appreciate the little things, now?  When we do take a moment to stop, and look, I think we'll find that the UK is rich in history, culture, and beautiful natural reserves.  Without being too cliche, there can quite literally be something to explore, for everyone.

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Journal etc.: May, Rediscovery

Journal etc.: May, Rediscovery

By Chloë Stewart

So, over the coming months we will collate a collection of ideas we think you'll enjoy; things to grow, make, ways to move, explore, places to listen, learn. We hope it inspires you to re-discover habits, passions, hobbies passed; from before time ran away from you, now that we're forced to slow down [it's time to take a break from the Netflix binge]:

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Collections etc:. COVID-19 Top 10 Food Deliveries

Collections etc:. COVID-19 Top 10 Food Deliveries

By Chloë Stewart

With the situation being what it is - ever evolving, uncertain, unprecedented - many of us are suddenly finding ourselves in the confines of our homes.  Whether or not we expected it, it's here, and we've had no choice but to turn to online delivery services [even the government said so].  Unless of course you happen to live near the wealth of independent shops and markets scattered across our vast city, and you can shop local; Borough Market, for example...

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Recipe etc.: Rhubarb + Apple Galette

Recipe etc.: Rhubarb + Apple Galette

By Chloë Stewart

A galette is basically the hipster version of a tart.  It is imperfect to perfection, rustic to the point of being refreshingly contemporary.  And was the ultimate trend setter.  Until everybody caught on.  It also just so happens to be the easiest seasonally-adapting hack to entertaining.  Don’t have a tart tin?  Galette.  Don’t have perfectly just-ripe fruit or veg?  Galette.  Don’t have hours to prep?  Galette.  Don’t want to hear more reasons?  Galette. 

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Journal etc.: March, Transformations

Journal etc.: March, Transformations

By Chloë Stewart

Talking about transformation has never seemed quite so pertinent.  March is the month that signifies the turning of seasons. Those long dreary Winter days are almost over.  The days are getting longer, daffodils are shinning happy yellow faces in parks, grass has replaced mud and the need to wear a beanie along with 7 other layers is less necessary.  It's safe to say Spring is finally here.

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